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Franciscan Charism

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Our Holy Father St. Francis

St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina

the feast of St. Francis

Franciscan antiphonsNew Skete
00:00 / 06:04

Transitus ceremony with Fr. Pio Mandato, FMHJ

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Blessing of the animals

The way of life of the Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth is based on St. Francis's First Order Rule of 1223 and the Capuchin constitutions of 1536.

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  One of our Capuchin patrons: Blessed Solanus Casey

Sister with our crucified Spouse

The sisters go barefoot in their convents


Afternoon prayer of thanksgiving

Chanting the Divine office during Eucharistic Adoration

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devotion to the Capuchin Franciscan saints

Prayer in hermitage

Hermitage retreat

A contemplative meal in hermitage


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Canning and fermenting

"In their life and apostolate the sisters... strive to live the spirituality of Nazareth so dear to the heart of St. Francis.  It was in Nazareth that Jesus lived his hidden life, where Our Lady received her call, and it was the pace that Jesus was identified with on the cross.  In this spirituality of the hidden and humble life of Nazareth, ... (the sisters live) under the guidance of the Queen of Heaven and in constant prayer with their eyes always fixed upon the cross."   (Sister's constitutions #3)

The hidden life of Nazareth



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 Our German Shepherd puppies

Manual Labor

Our cat "Mama Seton" joins in prayer with Padre Pio

kittens in the convent

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the three cats at St. Joseph's Convent

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The sisters and their German Shepherds

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"Preach the gospel always, and when necessary, use words." - St Francis of Assisi

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