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Gallery 2


Entrance ceremony

veil entrance

receiving the cross at the entrance ceremony

hair cutting ceremony

hair cutting ceremony at investiture

final vows opening procession

opening procession for final vows

final vows prostration

prostration at final vows during the litany of the saints

final vows solemn blessing

the solemn blessing

final vows signing

the signing of the vows on the altar

final vows mass priest

Mass at final vows

final vows mass

the consecration at the final vows

final vows candlelighting

the lighting of the candle, symbolizing the prudent virgins

walking to church

walking to church

final vows 3 sisters church

another sister in final vows

vocations display

our Vocations display

priest and sister 1

our brother priests

priest and sister 2

our brother priest

profession creche

the feast of the Presentation

profession veni sponsa

profession joy

tent profession

first profession joy

snowy day walk

a snowy day

flower pot 1

caring for our flowers

Bastress chapel

Immaculate Conception Church in Bastress, PA

smile books

the library

walk with the dogs

a summer walk

mother of the eucharist outside

Mother of the Eucharist Convent

3 laughing sisters

enjoying a sunny afternoon

questioning vows

the questioning during first profession Mass

first vows receive

Mother Guardian receives the vows at first profession


First profession ceremony- the changing of the veil from white to black

embrace vows

the embrace after vows

final vows candles

the profession candles

final vows profession

opening procession for final vows

profession lineup


vows priests

first profession Mass

peppe shake 1

"Peppe, you can't propose to me! I just got married!"

peppe shake 2

" Oh, dear. I think I broke his heart."

final vows cut the cake

the brides cuts the cake

4 sisters fall 2

enjoying the fall weather

final vows smile

"You are espoused to me forever..."


Candle lighting for the witnesses to the final vows


Crowning with thorns at final vows


Final vows embrace

final vows signing

signing of the vows on the altar of sacrifice


Final vows Mass with Bishop Joseph Bambera, ordinary of the Scranton Diocese

final vows family sr

Sr. greeting her family members and "Sister" sister!

kids final vows

Our whole family celebrates our final vows!

Version 2 (2)

final vows is a communal gift!

corpus christi 2

Corpus Christi

novice and mistress

a novice and her novice mistress


praying for our priests

tree sisters

Welcome to our second gallery!


some of the priests who have celebrated Mass for us at the convent


Sister with Bishop Thomas Tobin of the Diocese of Providence


Lighting candles at the Easter Vigil

4 sisters fall

the beautiful fall colors


Candidacy is quite exciting!


Our German Shepherd Lady Cyra


Going to chapel to pray the Divine Office


Decorating candles


Sister with Mama Seton


A walk through the flowers


The orchard in bloom


Singing with youth at a confirmation retreat




Come to rural PA!


Preaching apostolate


Mother General and Mother Vicar

"Preach the gospel always, and when necessary, use words." - St Francis of Assisi

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